February 12, 2010


Posted in Guilt, The Happy, The Who, The Why at 8:33 am by Dagny Taggart

I’m going to pick out a card today.  A Valentine’s Day card, probably.  Maybe I’ll go “shopping” to see if I have an appropriate Edward Monkton in my drawer, but I want this card to be a good card.

I got a reminder, yesterday, that as difficult and trying as my family can be and has been, I got pretty lucky.  And I try to tell them that, from time to time.  But maybe I don’t do that as often as I should.  Given that as often as I should approximates as often as I could, I don’t.

So today, I’m going to go pick out a card.  Or two.  Maybe even three.  And they won’t get there before Tuesday, but they’ll get there.  And it will be a start.

I have some catching up to do.

1 Comment »

  1. Lemon Gloria said,

    That is lovely. It’s important to tell people how much you appreciate them – and I am sure none of us do so enough.

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