July 27, 2010

A word I never use

Posted in Advice I have no business giving, The Happy, the pretty at 8:32 am by Dagny Taggart


I may have left you with the impression that my spa experience was made significantly less enjoyable by the “rain shower” treatment, which was the first one I did.

And thankfully it was the first, because it made me appreciate the second so much more.  It was a Milk and Honey soak, and if there is anything more appropriate for me, I’m not sure I want to know what it is.  It’s possible that this experience was only sweetened by the previous… treatment, and it was relatively simple.

The technician simply ran me a bath and poured some lovely goo into it.  But the tub was constant flow, with an accessible panel of buttons that let me control the whirlpool jets.  The controls kept it within half a degree of 103º F.  Once I’d entered the room and drawn the curtain, the technician dimmed the lights, and made sure I was aware of the handful of Hershey kisses next to the tub.

Soft, nondescript music played.  And even though the tub was just a few inches shy of perfect length, I relaxed, thoroughly and perfectly, for the next 15 minutes.  I’d have been happy to stay there forever, but they have rules about dehydration and sous-viding the clientele, I’d imagine.

Still – I’ve always looked at baths as a time to open a good book and sip some wine, but I think my next will involve a few tea lights and something soothing and instrumental on the iHome.  Because tranquil is a very good word, and I should start using it more often.


  1. Lemon Gloria said,

    Tranquil is a word that is not so much in my vocabulary. And I have a very hard time making myself sit still in a bath. much as I like the idea. It’s rare that I can make myself just chill out.

    I’ve heard Hershey chocolate is significantly better at the source. Is this the case?

  2. Alias Faux said,

    Warm liquid goo phase-Complete.

  3. vvk said,


    It seems like a word I should know, but I don’t seem to recognize it… It sounds interesting. I should look into it.

  4. Go Betty said,

    Tranquil is my bath time. Limited water supply where I live so baths are strictly winter luxuries. (showers mostly) I always light a candle and turn the light off and not even do the music I just do the sound of nothing or the sound of the storm raging outside. Total utter bliss for me. Its my form of escapism.

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