August 6, 2010

Tuesday in disguise

Posted in I need a helmet, Whinging without end at 8:27 am by Dagny Taggart

“We also have this new face cream which neutralizes the free radicals that attack the skin. Let me ask you: what’s your skin regime?”

My regime? The regime from which the radicals are trying to get free? Are we selling face cream or staging a coup?”

It must be Tuesday, because Fridays just DO NOT start out like this.

They don’t start out with your cell phone waking you up at 6:30 (after getting to bed at 1 am) just before the battery dies, because you still have no power.  They definitely don’t start out with a 3.5-minute cold shower, AFTER which you realize that of course your hairdryer isn’t going to work you idiot, so you’ll have to air dry on your way to the metro, except that the air on the way to the metro is soggier than the towel you just used, so good luck with that.

While Fridays very occasionally start with the beeping of a delivery truck backup alarm around 7:30 or so, they haven’t yet followed a nearly sleepless night soundtracked by the supermarket whose proximity normally means MORE convenience, not a migraine doing katas all over your cerebrum to the beat of its backup generators.

In short, if my place still doesn’t have power tonight (according to a kindly neighbor who bought some shelf-stable milk at said supermarket, where the employees had called the power company, it’s “going to be a while”), can I come over and use yours?  It won’t be for long – maybe for 10 minutes or so before I fall asleep again.


  1. Lemon Gloria said,

    You know you can always always always stay here! No power sucks, especially in this heat. Emailing you now.

  2. Carla @ I Run, You Run said,

    Gosh, we have Karl’s sister in town, but we’re off to my sister’s after work for dinner, and should only be back by 10pm. Though I can’t offer you a place to crash (not that you would want to, seeing our wake up call for tomorrow’s run is at 5am), you can most definitely stop by in the meantime, take a shower, watch some TV, or whatever you want. I get home at 6pm, and am leaving right after that, just let me know…

  3. Lemon Gloria: How lovely of you (and not surprisingly so). Thank you!

    Carla @ I Run, You Run: That is awesome of you to offer. Fortunately, I was able to line up a steady source of electricity for tonight, and I’ll be out all day tomorrow, so until the time they’ve told me I’ll be back online – 10 PM TOMORROW NIGHT, I should be okay.

    But again, that’s really nice of you Thanks! 🙂

  4. Go Betty said,

    I would offer but New Zealand is a long way to go for a shower and a tv lol. Gad I am sorry but all the noise? how do you sleep? I get pissy at the saturday newspaper van delivering the paper at 6.30am to the neighbours.
    I do hope all your electricity problems are sorted permanently soon.

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