August 18, 2010

Also, thank heaven for Trainer

Posted in But I am... le tired, The Ouch, The Round at 8:52 am by Dagny Taggart

Ow.  *whimper*.

On a 3½% tip, the stairmaster that looks like actual stairs is *much* more effective than the other kind.  This kind?  Is made entirely of pure evil and PAIN.

I’ll be doing it again tomorrow.  *sigh*

Also, why do I find that Jimmy Dean planets commercial to be so cute? 

In other random thoughts, did you know that iPhone’s autocorrect feature is adaptive?  That is, over time, it will recognize things that you type regularly – onomatopoeias that you use regularly, or words that you intentionally misspell (I CAN haz cheezburger!), etc.  A recent conversation made me think about how interesting it would be to gather a group of people and compare their personal lexicons for their iPhones.  I suspect this would reveal some interesting qualities about the users and their relationships to the people they text and email the most.

August 11, 2010


Posted in But I am... le tired, The Aaaarrrghhhhh!, The Angry, The OCD, The WTF at 8:37 am by Dagny Taggart

You must really think I’m stupid, WMATA.

You must also think that my dry cleaners could REALLY use some more business.  I suspect they are most grateful.

Because here’s the thing.  I walk to the Metro every day, and this summer, the parking lot has been taking a lot longer to get full.  And while this might be the result of increased “green” commuting to the metro station, it’s probably also because there are slightly fewer people riding in the summer, especially on Mondays and Fridays.  People take vacations in the summer, and it is the one thing that makes summertime commuting bearable, because it increases the personal space zone by roughly 1/2″ all the way around.

Or it used to, before you surreptitiously started running fewer trains.

Maybe you thought we wouldn’t notice, those of us living along the Orange Line.  Maybe you thought we’d stand on the platform waiting 8 minutes for a train that we wouldn’t be able to fit on, and think that this was normal for a line that’s supposed to have trains every 3-4 minutes during rush hour – trains with 8 cars!  And yes, I know there’s a budget shortfall, and I get that reducing service is one way to compensate for such things.  But.

BUT, you didn’t decide to do that.  NO.  You raised fares, and raised them substantially.  And you said you were doing this so that there would NOT be a reduction in service. 

So how is it that I’m waiting 8 minutes just to get to the front of the line to board the train, then another 6 minutes for the next train, where the car I get on has minimal or no air conditioning (this, by the way, has already happened THREE times this week, and it’s only Wednesday morning).  I get on just a few stops from the end, and the trains are very nearly full by the time they get to me.

This is ridiculous.  At this point, I’m beginning to understand why a working-class individual would be swayed by the likes of Mussolini.  What I don’t understand is how this level of mismanagement could exist in such a public organization for this length of time. 

If Congress can investigate steroid use in baseball, they can certainly take the time to investigate the clusterf*ck that is WMATA management.  I’m writing my representatives right now.

August 9, 2010


Posted in *cringe*, But I am... le tired, Nerdiness, The OCD, The Small and Petty at 10:50 am by Dagny Taggart

Yes, I am evil, and a total judgmental bitch.

But if you use the word “loose” where “lose” would be more appropriate, or if you claim to “pour” over a book, I will judge you and think less of you.  Unless you’re actually causing liquid to leave a vessel at a greater elevation than the tome in question, in which case I apologize.

Also, my power came back on, Saturday morning.  They *finally* disconnected the supermarket’s generator late last night, so I’ve gotten almost no sleep, and am therefore being even more harsh about this than I would normally.

But it’s kind of true.

August 3, 2010

Odds and Ends

Posted in But I am... le tired, The Funny, The Happy, the pretty, The Where, The Why at 9:13 am by Dagny Taggart

A long weekend of pure indulgence and somehow, my suit fits better than it did before I left.  Perhaps standing around in 4″ heels for 6+ hours a night is a decent substitute for an hour or so of cardio?

I think I prefer Vegas weather. 

I do not prefer Vegas cabdrivers.

Also, hanging out at places where you cannot see outside at all can lead to some disconcerting realizations – like how you somehow managed to leave at 7:30 in the morning, some 5 hours after you really, honestly intended to get back to your hotel.

The gold lamé dress was fantastic.

So were these boots – not at the same time, I assure you.

There are no photos – which might be for the best.  I am, apparently, the kind of person who goes to Vegas and forgets her camera.  But the beauty of Vegas is that the experience can be everything.  When you leave, you have this vague, blurry sense of awesomeness, and the thought that it might be fun to go back… just as soon as you’ve had enough time to recover.

July 7, 2010

Putting Out

Posted in Advice I have no business giving, But I am... le tired, Darth Vaguer, The Aaaarrrghhhhh!, The Small and Petty, The Who, The Why, The WTF at 9:21 am by Dagny Taggart

You know what would make me happy?  If people took more responsibility for what they put out there.

So if you want me to think you are capable, hardworking, intelligent, and worth my best effort, you should probably do things that are in line with those qualities.  And not, say, continually engage in undermine-y, petty behavior.  Yes, you are successfully telling me that you don’t like me.  But you’re also telling me that you’re not adult or professional enough to work around that, even if I’m the best person to work on a particular task.  And when you get all wide-eyed later, and say that you never suggested any such thing, bless my heart, I’m going to call you on it, and recount the ways in which you very much suggested all of those things.

And if you want me to think that you’re a pretty good human person, who is generally respectful of others and worth establishing a friendship with, you should probably do things that support that thesis.  For example, you could respect my boundaries, and not try to foist your agenda on me when that agenda clearly conflicts with my boundaries.  And when I call you out on it, you could admit to egocentricity and lack of consideration, at the very least.

And I, in turn, should take responsibility for giving the impression that I might be okay with a little foisting, (which I sometimes do by dint of being confrontation-abhorrent).  And, remember that for next time, and be less confrontation-abhorrent.

July 6, 2010


Posted in *cringe*, Advice I have no business giving, But I am... le tired, I need a helmet, Nerdiness at 12:04 pm by Dagny Taggart

Sibling Extraordinaire and I were chatting earlier today, and she pointed out that everyone uses the word “nauseous” wrong.  Also, I have no idea if I’ve spelled it right.  But we didn’t talk about my spelling issues.

Apparently, everyone uses nauseous to describe their own lack of intestinal fortitude, when “to be nauseated”, in its various appropriate tenses, is the correct word to use, here.  Nauseous is the word one uses to describe something that makes one be nauseated.


Your wretched grammar is nauseous.  I now require ginger ale.

All of which comes to mind primarily because I woke up at 4:30 this morning, having gone to bed at midnight.  And I made myself snooze until 5:00, and then got up and went to the gym.  Right now, I am so tired I am nauseated.  and possibly nauseous, given that my dark circles probably aren’t doing my appearance any favors.

June 28, 2010

Lessons learned

Posted in *cringe*, But I am... le tired, Darth Vaguer, I need a helmet, Nerdiness, The Aaaarrrghhhhh!, The WTF at 10:39 am by Dagny Taggart

While it is perfectly okay for people to be upfront about horror stories and major concerns about parenthood at a baby shower, being open about one’s lack of desire to partake will most likely have people thinking that something is wrong/missing for you.

Also, if you are building something from Ikea, and have leftover parts at some point prior to being completely finished, just be prepared to undo everything you’ve done so far, because you likely skipped a step.

Pretty much every comedian I’ve ever seen on a recorded special will have been slightly funnier in that special than in person.  Jim Gaffigan, however, came closest to closing this gap. 

Sometimes, things can seem like the Most Fun and Best Idea Ever.  And then three weeks later, with the help of a little critical thinking, you will realize that not only was it not the best idea ever, but it was ridiculously dumb and boy howdy, you expect better of yourself.

Watched pool league operators never call to let you know if you’re going to Vegas or not.   I still don’t know.

May 10, 2010

I Did This To Myself

Posted in But I am... le tired, I need a helmet, Nerdiness, The Happy, The Round, The Where, The Why at 8:51 am by Dagny Taggart

But, I Have Managed To Convince Myself That I Should Eat Dark Chocolate Every Ninety Minutes, So How Bad Can 4 Hours Of Sleep Be, Really?

I had one of those bizarre weekends where I did not manage to sleep in nearly as late as one might think.  And last night, I went to bed at 12:30, having been pretty awake up until that point waiting for the ibuprofen to kick in so that neither spasmodic “lower back pain”* nor random convulsions of my gastrocnemius muscles** would interfere with sweet, sweet slumber.

And then I woke up at 4:45, to get to the gym this morning and then drop off dry cleaning that I have to pick up at 6:00 pm today if I’m going to have anything to wear in New Orleans later this week.  Because I’m going to New Orleans for work, this week***. 😀

And then I got into the office and the first email I see is a daily digest of some personal interest to me, that highlights an article about a study done on mice in which epicatechin, a flavenol ingredient in dark chocolate, significantly reduced stroke damage in mice, when administered within 90 minutes of the attack.  So clearly, I should eat dark chocolate every 90 minutes, just in case I’ve unwittingly had a stroke.  You probably should, too.

You’re welcome.

*oooh, look!  A present from the euphemism fairy!
**So, my new running shoes have made it possible for me to run 4-5 days a week, except that my trainer really worked my legs last Wednesday, and when I went for my run on Friday, I could but hobble in pain for the last 1.75 miles.  Strictly muscle pain, but boy howdy – when my calves are tired, they don’t f*ck around.
***Sure, be jealous, because I would be too.  But just so you’re not too jealous, let me also mention that my new cue?  The one I’ve been drooling over for forever?  It’s supposed to get here TOMORROW.  After I LEAVE.  I don’t get back until Friday.  That is entirely too long to have to go without playing with my preciousssssss.****
****Heh.  That sounds really dirty.  I should get 4 hours of sleep more often.  Also, I think I’ve given the euphemism fairy another phrase to use!